& French as a foreign language

Online / face to face

You are an English/ a French listener. You understand some conversations.
Let’s utilise this and gain confidence by practising what you already know and learning more !

Positive attitude to learning a language

This is what you need to move forward and stop worrying or feeling lost every time a foreigner speaks to you!

In today’s world, we are increasingly conscious of how deeply important it is for societies to live alongside one another in harmony: by practising foreign languages, we learn about other societies.

Speaking French or English is opening up to the world ! Learning English or French will empower you to play a more active role in all your personal/business communications!

  • Number of lessons flexible
  • Online lessons 30 min – 45 min – 1 hour
  • On site or at home 45 min – 1 hour
  • Mondays–Tuesdays-Thursdays-Fridays 8:00 – 18:00
  • Wednesdays 08:00-12:00



Nathalie Caris