& French as a foreign language

Online / face to face

Coaching professionals

You are an English/French listener with a beginner, intermediate or advanced level of language – you just need to utilise it in speaking!


We will practise using the language in a relaxed atmosphere. English and French are living languages! You need to practice them to understand how they work and optimise your oral and written communication. As you don’t write the same way as you speak, we will work on the writing as needed.

Learning is going to surprise you! And sooner or later it will make you realize you are an amazing learner!

I will guide you to understand how the language works, enabling you to understand the way native speakers think. Consequently, you will be able to choose the words and phrases that fit your personality and working environment. Be yourself in your target language, whether you are in the office or at a business lunch/dinner!

Which materials will we use ?

I use international news or any other materials related to real life contexts. I use these materials to introduce you to new structures, commonly used words and expressions or vocabulary which could be useful in your job. Exploring these topics in another language is also a great way to leave behind mother tongue and way of thinking to see how people live and think elsewhere on the planet. It’s a way to travel and escape from your day-to-day life and to keep your mind open to others. Getting to know a culture encourages you to go and meet people in a more relaxed way or to watch a documentary/film with a better understanding – all of which will improve your English/French.

Materials include videos, articles, art, clips from films, audios and books.

Fees for coaching professionals

€45 = 30 min

€60 = 45 min (the most popular)

€70 = 60 min

On site, please add €0.25/km
Bank transfer upon receipt of invoice

Online 30 min/45 min/1 hour
Face to face 45 min/1 hour in Nantes area